- Label一直是creator开发的一个痛点,官方的
- 是否可以增加
- 增加后是否会导致滥用而导致资源浪费
import { _decorator, Component, Node, Label, BitmapFont, CacheMode, SpriteFrame, ImageAsset, Texture2D, dynamicAtlasManager, CCString, Enum, log } from "cc"; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; enum ECharCacheType { normal = 1, //不要改 main, dialog, scrollview, } /** * 增加char模式下多种类型的缓存Texture * Name = LabelPlus * DateTime = Mon Sep 27 2021 10:24:01 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) * Author = * FileBasename = LabelPlus.ts * FileBasenameNoExtension = LabelPlus * URL = db://assets/LabelPlus.ts * ManualUrl = https://docs.cocos.com/creator/3.3/manual/zh/ * */ @ccclass("LabelPlus") export class LabelPlus extends Label { private _charCacheType: ECharCacheType = ECharCacheType.normal; @property({ type: Enum(ECharCacheType), tooltip: "char模式缓存Txture种类" }) public get charCacheType(): ECharCacheType { return this._charCacheType; } public set charCacheType(value: ECharCacheType) { this._charCacheType = value; this.updateRenderData(); } /** 重写父类,char模式传入此label */ protected _applyFontTexture() { this.markForUpdateRenderData(); const font = this._font; if (font instanceof BitmapFont) { const spriteFrame = font.spriteFrame; if (spriteFrame && spriteFrame.texture) { this._texture = spriteFrame; this.changeMaterialForDefine(); if (this._assembler) { this._assembler.updateRenderData(this); } } } else { if (this.cacheMode === CacheMode.CHAR) { this._letterTexture = this._assembler!.getAssemblerData(this);//fix:在char模式下,传入了此label this._texture = this._letterTexture; } else if (!this._ttfSpriteFrame) { this._ttfSpriteFrame = new SpriteFrame(); this._assemblerData = this._assembler!.getAssemblerData(); const image = new ImageAsset(this._assemblerData!.canvas); const texture = new Texture2D(); texture.image = image; this._ttfSpriteFrame.texture = texture; } if (this.cacheMode !== CacheMode.CHAR) { // this._frame._refreshTexture(this._texture); this._texture = this._ttfSpriteFrame; } this.changeMaterialForDefine(); } } }
我们找到letter-font.ts,将刚刚传进的label继续向下传递:getAssemblerData(target) {//fix:新增target参数 if (!_shareAtlas) { _shareAtlas = new LetterAtlas(_atlasWidth, _atlasHeight); } return _shareAtlas.getTexture(target.charCacheType);//fix:将charCacheType继续传递 },
//在FontAtlas类中新增几个属性: export class FontAtlas { public letterDefinitions; public texture; public _x = space; public _y = space; public _nextY = space; constructor(texture) { this.letterDefinitions = {}; this.texture = texture; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._nextY = 0; } } //新增char类型 export enum ECharCacheType { normal = 1, //不要改 main, dialog, scrollview, }//fix:增加char几张缓存 export class LetterAtlas { public declare fontDefDictionary: Map<number, FontAtlas>;//修改为RenderTxeture数组 constructor(width: number, height: number) { //TODO: 待优化 fix:先把RenderTexture数组初始化好 this.fontDefDictionary = new Map(); for (let key in ECharCacheType) { const texture = new LetterRenderTexture(); texture.initWithSize(width, height); this.fontDefDictionary.set(Number(ECharCacheType[key]), new FontAtlas(texture)); } //TODO: 待优化 this._halfBleed = bleed / 2; this._width = width; this._height = height; director.on(Director.EVENT_BEFORE_SCENE_LAUNCH, this.beforeSceneLoad, this); } //insertLetterTexture添加新参数,charCacheType public insertLetterTexture(letterTexture: LetterTexture, charCacheType) { const texture = letterTexture.image; const device = director.root!.device; if (!texture || !this.fontDefDictionary.has(charCacheType) || !device) { return null; } const width = texture.width; const height = texture.height; if (this._x + width + space > this._width) { this._x = space; this._y = this._nextY; } if (this._y + height > this._nextY) { this._nextY = this._y + height + space; } if (this._nextY > this._height) { warnID(12100); return null; } this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType).texture.drawTextureAt(texture, this._x, this._y); this._dirty = true; const letterDefinition = new FontLetterDefinition(); letterDefinition.u = this._x + this._halfBleed; letterDefinition.v = this._y + this._halfBleed; letterDefinition.texture = this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType).texture; letterDefinition.valid = true; letterDefinition.w = letterTexture.width - bleed; letterDefinition.h = letterTexture.height - bleed; letterDefinition.xAdvance = letterDefinition.w; letterDefinition.offsetY = letterTexture.offsetY; this._x += width + space; this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType).addLetterDefinitions(letterTexture.hash, letterDefinition); //将对于的RenderTexture的属性更新一下 this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType)._x = this._x; this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType)._y = this._y; this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType)._nextY = this._nextY; /* const region = new BufferTextureCopy(); region.texOffset.x = letterDefinition.offsetX; region.texOffset.y = letterDefinition.offsetY; region.texExtent.width = letterDefinition.w; region.texExtent.height = letterDefinition.h; */ return letterDefinition; } //重置时候把RenderTexture数组重置 public reset() { this._x = space; this._y = space; this._nextY = space; for (let value of this.fontDefDictionary.values()) { value.clear(); } } //修改同reset() public destroy() { this.reset(); for (let value of this.fontDefDictionary.values()) { value.texture.destroy(); value.texture.texture = null; } this.fontDefDictionary.clear(); } //新增charCacheType参数 getTexture(charCacheType) {//fix:新增target参数 if (!charCacheType) charCacheType = this._charCacheType; if (this.fontDefDictionary.has(charCacheType)) { return this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType).getTexture(); } return this.fontDefDictionary.get(this._charCacheType).getTexture(); } //换场景清空之前的数据 public clearAllCache() { this.destroy(); for (let value of this.fontDefDictionary.values()) { const texture = new LetterRenderTexture(); texture.initWithSize(this._width, this._height); value.texture.texture = texture; } } //新增charCacheType public getLetter(key: string, charCacheType) { if (!charCacheType) charCacheType = this._charCacheType; return this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType).letterDefinitions[key]; } //新增charCacheType public getLetterDefinitionForChar(char: string, labelInfo: ILabelInfo, charCacheType) { if (!this.fontDefDictionary.has(charCacheType)) { const texture = new LetterRenderTexture(); texture.initWithSize(this.width, this.height); this.fontDefDictionary.set(charCacheType, new FontAtlas(texture)); } //将_x,_y,_nextY属性更新为当前的Renderture对应的属性 this._x = this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType)._x; this._y = this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType)._y; this._nextY = this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType)._nextY; const hash = char.charCodeAt(0) + labelInfo.hash; let letter = this.fontDefDictionary.get(charCacheType).letterDefinitions[hash]; if (!letter) { const temp = new LetterTexture(char, labelInfo); temp.updateRenderData(); letter = this.insertLetterTexture(temp, charCacheType); temp.destroy(); } // console.log(this.fontDefDictionary) return letter; } }
updateRenderData(comp: Label) { ...... this._updateContent(comp); ...... }, _updateContent(comp) { ...... this._alignText(comp); }, _multilineTextWrap(nextTokenFunc: Function, comp) { ...... const tokenLen = nextTokenFunc(_string, index, textLen,comp); ...... letterDef = shareLabelInfo.fontAtlas!.getLetterDefinitionForChar(character, shareLabelInfo, comp.charCacheType); ...... this._recordLetterInfo(letterPosition, character, letterIndex, lineIndex, comp); ...... }, _getFirstWordLen(text: string, startIndex: number, textLen: number,comp) { ...... let letterDef = shareLabelInfo.fontAtlas!.getLetterDefinitionForChar(character, shareLabelInfo, comp.charCacheType); ...... letterDef = shareLabelInfo.fontAtlas!.getLetterDefinitionForChar(character, shareLabelInfo, comp.charCacheType); ...... }, _multilineTextWrapByWord(comp) { return this._multilineTextWrap(this._getFirstWordLen, comp); }, _multilineTextWrapByChar(comp) { return this._multilineTextWrap(this._getFirstCharLen, comp); }, _recordLetterInfo(letterPosition: Vec2, character: string, letterIndex: number, lineIndex: number, comp?) { ...... _lettersInfo[letterIndex].valid = shareLabelInfo.fontAtlas!.getLetter(key, comp.charCacheType).valid; ...... }, _alignText(comp) { _textDesiredHeight = 0; _linesWidth.length = 0; if (!_lineBreakWithoutSpaces) { this._multilineTextWrapByWord(comp); } else { this._multilineTextWrapByChar(comp); } this._computeAlignmentOffset(); // shrink if (_overflow === Overflow.SHRINK) { if (_fontSize > 0 && this._isVerticalClamp()) { this._shrinkLabelToContentSize(this._isVerticalClamp, comp); } } if (!this._updateQuads(comp)) { if (_overflow === Overflow.SHRINK) { this._shrinkLabelToContentSize(this._isHorizontalClamp, comp); } } }, _scaleFontSizeDown(fontSize: number, comp) { let shouldUpdateContent = true; if (!fontSize) { fontSize = 0.1; shouldUpdateContent = false; } _fontSize = fontSize; if (shouldUpdateContent) { this._updateContent(comp); } }, _shrinkLabelToContentSize(lambda: Function, comp) { const fontSize = _fontSize; let left = 0; let right = fontSize | 0; let mid = 0; while (left < right) { mid = (left + right + 1) >> 1; const newFontSize = mid; if (newFontSize <= 0) { break; } _bmfontScale = newFontSize / _originFontSize; if (!_lineBreakWithoutSpaces) { this._multilineTextWrapByWord(comp); } else { this._multilineTextWrapByChar(comp); } this._computeAlignmentOffset(); if (lambda(comp)) { right = mid - 1; } else { left = mid; } } if (left >= 0) { this._scaleFontSizeDown(left, comp); } }, _isHorizontalClamp(comp) { ....... const letterDef = shareLabelInfo.fontAtlas!.getLetterDefinitionForChar(letterInfo.char, shareLabelInfo, comp.charCacheType); ...... }, _updateQuads(comp) { ...... shareLabelInfo.fontAtlas!.getTexture(comp.charCacheType); ...... const letterDef = shareLabelInfo.fontAtlas!.getLetter(letterInfo.hash, comp.charCacheType); ...... },